The Risks of Trending Laughing Gas

In recent times, a concerning trend has emerged on social media platforms and among certain social circles – the recreational use of laughing gas, also known as nitrous oxide.   The effects of nitrous oxide, commonly used for medical and dental purposes, may induce short-lived euphoria and laughter. The increasing popularity of its recreational use raises…

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Healing Addiction at its Core 

At New Leaf Recovery, we understand the necessity of healing addiction at its core, specific to each person. We aim to look at the intricacies of addiction and provide comprehensive treatments that go beyond the surface-level symptoms.    It’s important to explore the profound connection between trauma and substance dependency. At New Leaf Recovery, we focus…

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The Role of Setting Boundaries in Addiction Recovery

Setting boundaries in addiction recovery can be an extremely daunting undertaking, especially when you have to set boundaries with your loved ones. The journey towards addiction recovery is a demanding and often uncomfortable path that requires unwavering commitment, resilience, and a deep understanding of oneself. As individuals embark on this transformative journey, they often discover…

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Is Social Media Addiction Real?

Over the last decade, the use of social media has risen at an exponential rate. Along with the huge increase in usage comes a worry about people developing a social media addiction.  Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X (formally Twitter), and TikTok have become an integral part of our daily lives. It’s hard to…

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Alternatives for Enjoying Festivities in Recovery

When in recovery, we understand that finding ways to enjoy the festivities of Christmas can be difficult. Christmas is a time full of cheer, lots of alcohol and celebrations. But it can also be a great time of year for those in recovery. Finding alternative ways to enjoy the festivities helps you feel part of…

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What Your Brain Reveals: Food Cravings and Addiction

We’ve all experienced those irresistible cravings for our favourite snacks, whether it’s a bag of potato chips, a slice of cake, or a decadent bowl of ice cream. But have you ever wondered why these cravings can sometimes feel so overwhelming, almost like an addiction? In this blog, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of…

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Supporting a Loved One in Recovery

Addiction is a complex and challenging journey, not just for the individual facing it. But also, for their family and friends. If you have a loved one in recovery, you understand that providing support during this time can be emotionally draining and perplexing. However, your support is crucial in their path to recovery. These tips…

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Talk Money and Addiction

Navigating Finances in Recovery: A Look at Money and Addiciton Money and addiction are two powerful forces that often intersect in the lives of those on the path to recovery and rehabilitation. Talk Money Week acts as a crucial annual event that encourages discussions about financial well-being. Further inviting people to open up about their…

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10 Ways to Enjoy a Spooky & Sober Halloween

Halloween is a time for ghouls, ghosts, and goblins to come out and play. It’s also a holiday that often involves parties and celebrations that can revolve around alcohol. But for those who are committed to a sober lifestyle or in recovery, navigating this spooky holiday can be challenging. However, fear not! You can still…

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Understanding & Overcoming Catastrophising Thoughts

Strategies for a Positive Mindset Do you often find yourself spiralling into excessive worry and envisioning worst-case scenarios for even minor issues? If so, you might be engaging in a behaviour known as catastrophising. In our daily lives, it’s not uncommon for our thoughts to occasionally wander into a realm of exaggerated concerns. However, when…

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