How to Support a Recovering Addict

In case you are getting ready to support a recovering addict that is currently under on their way to sobriety, there may be a feel things to consider in order to offer them the best support possible. The process of getting to sobriety may not be easy, and therefore, having a supportive network outside rehab…

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A Day in The Life at New Leaf Recovery: What to Expect in Rehab

Choosing to start rehabilitative therapy can be a daunting experience; it takes a great deal of strength and courage to take that first step towards helping yourself or a loved one overcome an addiction. That’s why here at New Leaf, we aim to make our rehabilitative treatment plans as caring and flexible as possible.   Whilst…

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Redefining Our Understanding of Addiction

The term ‘addiction’ is used in a number of different contexts, often associating behaviour or activity with negativity and as a constant in someone’s lifestyle.   In an ever changing world, it is vital that we redefine our understanding of addiction, what this means, what it looks like in a practical context today and how we…

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Take Control of Your Wallet: Shopping Addiction

With social media and sales galore, the ever growing presence of shopping is being felt. Everyone with a high street brand or smaller business is turning online as well as having physical stores which makes buying easier for the masses. But with shopping and sales everywhere we turn, it is becoming ever harder to say…

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Navigating Ketamine Addiction Among Young Adults

In recent years, there has been a concerning trend emerging among young adults: the growing prevalence of ketamine use and addiction.   Ketamine, once primarily known as a dissociative anaesthetic used in medical settings, has found its way into recreational circles. As its use among young people continues to rise, so too does the need for…

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Sports Betting: From Excitement to Gambling Addiction

In the UK, the allure of sports betting runs deep. From the raucous atmosphere of stadiums to the quiet glow of computer screens, millions engage in the thrill of predicting outcomes and backing their favourite teams or players with hard-earned cash.   However, amidst the excitement lies a shadow: gambling addiction. There are two sides of…

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The Trauma Catch-22: PTSD & Alcohol Abuse

At New Leaf, we understand that there are a number of complex struggles that individuals can face, including PTSD. Sadly, PTSD sufferers are also often linked with alcohol abuse, using this as a method of coping with their PTSD symptoms. Both conditions can have an impact on the individual’s life and those around them. It…

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Impact of the Pandemic on Addiction

The COVID-19 pandemic created unprecedented struggles for countries around the world. The impact rippled through every aspect of society, including mental health and addiction. At New Leaf Recovery, we’ve witnessed first-hand the profound effects the pandemic has had on individuals battling addiction. From increased substance abuse to a surge in behavioural addictions, the toll has…

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Robin Williams: His Story Through Addiction & Depression

As we approach the 10-year anniversary of Robin Williams’s passing in August this year, his complex and heart-breaking story continues to resonate with so many. The man who made us roar with laughter and embodied countless unforgettable characters dealt with a hidden struggle. Behind the brilliance and manic humour existed a complex battle; there was…

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Beyond Shame: Why Seeking Help for Addiction is a Sign of Strength

With stems from misinformation and negative stereotypes surrounding addiction, many people struggle by carrying the burden of shame, making them hold back when it comes to seeking help. However, we must understand that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Often, movies and media paint addicts as flawed or irresponsible, but the truth…

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