Recovering Addicts More at Risk of a Relapse Due to The Coronavirus Pandemic
As it approaches the end of 2020, coronavirus is still affecting many people’s lives and the lives of those around them. The number of positive cases started to decline after the first lockdown then, out of nowhere, that little bit of hope passed. The continuing cycle leaves individuals uncertain of when everything will return to ‘normality’ as it affects many including the healthy, those suffering with mental health problems, individuals suffering with an addiction or those trying to stay sober.
There has been a study which shows that due to group therapy sessions being cancelled, many addicts are relapsing.
Why are group gatherings so important for recovering addicts?
Many individuals who have recently been admitted from rehab say that group meetings are essential to their recovery and staying sober. This is because being able to discuss any fears and issues with other individuals in similar situations offers them a feeling of solidarity.
Group sessions usually consist of meeting up with others and taking part in discussions and activities to provide a distraction and fulfil time. This will help to create a time schedule which is a critical part of an addict’s recovery process.
If your group sessions have been cancelled as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, there are many other activities which you can participate in to help occupy you and keep you sober.

What can you do to help yourself stay sober during lockdown?
There are loads of activities you can do whilst at home to stay sober. One of these is starting a new project. This may include painting/ decorating your house or a DIY project. Another suggestion is starting a new hobby. This will allow you to find a distraction to what’s going on in the world and therefore reduce your anxiety levels.
Video calling services such as FaceTime, Zoom and Skype are available to download and use to speak to your loved ones and friends ‘face-to-face’. You can even use these apps to attend any meetings or therapy sessions.
We understand that online options and activities with no human interaction are not as effective as meeting with friends or family members however, during this time, it is a useful option for those feeling isolated.
At New Leaf we are keeping in regular contact with former clients through Zoom. We are facilitating weekly groups (sometimes twice weekly) where people can check in, talk about their thoughts and feelings, support others and focus on a particular issue, such as triggers or step work.