The Impact of Technology on Addiction and Recovery

In our modern world, it’s hard to escape the influence of technology. It’s not just a tool for convenience; it’s deeply woven into how we go about our daily lives. This all-encompassing digital presence is particularly noteworthy when it comes to the topics of addiction and recovery.   Living in the 21st century means being surrounded…

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Elton John’s Story with Addiction

Sir Elton John is one of the music industries most renowned and influential artists of all time, starting his music career in 1969 at the age of 22 years old. In the decades since then, he has sold more than 300 million record globally, won 5 Grammy Awards and has had over 50 hits in…

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Academic Stress and Substance Use

In the world of academia, where smart ideas happen, there’s a hidden issue—a quiet struggle with substances. Imagine a wise professor having a quiet glass of wine at a conference or a hardworking student finding comfort in a late-night drink to ease stress. These scenes, rarely talked about openly, show a real problem—academic stress mixed…

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Stigma of Addiction

Addiction has been recognised since 1952, when it was added by the American Psychiatric Association into the first edition of their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, more commonly known as the DSM. It was listed within the Sociopathic Personality Disturbance section, and included subtypes of ‘alcoholism’ and ‘drug addiction’. Despite the large strides…

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The Role of Setting Boundaries in Addiction Recovery

Setting boundaries in addiction recovery can be an extremely daunting undertaking, especially when you have to set boundaries with your loved ones. The journey towards addiction recovery is a demanding and often uncomfortable path that requires unwavering commitment, resilience, and a deep understanding of oneself. As individuals embark on this transformative journey, they often discover…

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Is Social Media Addiction Real?

Over the last decade, the use of social media has risen at an exponential rate. Along with the huge increase in usage comes a worry about people developing a social media addiction.  Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X (formally Twitter), and TikTok have become an integral part of our daily lives. It’s hard to…

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Alternatives for Enjoying Festivities in Recovery

When in recovery, we understand that finding ways to enjoy the festivities of Christmas can be difficult. Christmas is a time full of cheer, lots of alcohol and celebrations. But it can also be a great time of year for those in recovery. Finding alternative ways to enjoy the festivities helps you feel part of…

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Vaping: A New Epidemic

In recent years, vaping has surged in popularity, particularly amongst youth and adults alike. Once believed to be a less harmful alternative to smoking, vaping has now evolved into an epidemic, bringing to the forefront of society a number of questions associated with the risks of vaping and the need for comprehensive addiction support. Vaping…

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From Laughter to Legislation: Unpacking the Nitrous Oxide Ban

What is Nitrous Oxide? Nitrous oxide is a colourless gas that you can usually find sold in canisters for a variety of uses. From medical pain relief to aerating whipping cream in cafes. It is also, however, now a controlled class-C drug that could land dealers up to fourteen years in jail. For those caught…

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Environmental Addiction Triggers

How Changing Your Environment Can Help You to Overcome Common Addiction Triggers The path to addiction recovery is deeply personal, requiring immense courage and resilience, especially when facing the influence of environmental addiction triggers. We aim to shed light on the transformative potential of changing your surroundings. Emphasising how an environmental change can empower you…

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