Alternatives for Enjoying Festivities in Recovery
When in recovery, we understand that finding ways to enjoy the festivities of Christmas can be difficult. Christmas is a time full of cheer, lots of alcohol and celebrations. But it can also be a great time of year for those in recovery.
Finding alternative ways to enjoy the festivities helps you feel part of the joyous celebrations and parties, without feeling like the odd one out.

Alternative Festive Activities
There are a whole range of activities that you can enjoy whilst in recovery throughout the festive period. New Leaf have pulled together just a few fun options for you:
- Ice Skating: find your local ice rink and enjoy some skating with friends or family.
- Sober Movie Night: Invite loved one’s round for a sober movie night. Enjoy a festive movie with hot chocolate and popcorn.
- Sober Cook Off: Bring some healthy competition into your home with a sober yet festive cook off. Try some new dishes and festive flavours.
- Crafting Activities & Workshops: Take part in festive crafting activities such as wreath making or card making. You could visit Christmas craft or gift fairs.
- Start a new festive tradition: Find a new tradition that you can start with friends or family.
- Enjoy a festive spa: Prioritise your own self-care with a festive spa. Festive mood lighting, some Christmas candles and quiet festive music can help bring you some calm in amongst the business of Christmas.
Things to Consider
Christmas is full of joy and love but can also be a big challenge for those in recovery. Finding your way successfully through all of the festivities can lead to a change in your routine, it can be a bump in the recovery journey you are on and difficult to fully comprehend.
There are things to consider throughout the festivities that can help you take care of yourself:
- Prioritise self-care: maintain your routine and sleep as much as possible.
- Plan ahead: plan your events ahead and fit in meetings or therapy sessions in between.
- Friends & Family: surround yourself with your loved ones, don’t become isolated.
The festivities can also bring challenges such as alcohol. This can be a challenge for those in recovery and it is therefore important to have an exit strategy for when you find yourself in moments of temptation. Ensure your family and friends are there to support you and understand your triggers. This can help you maintain your sobriety and recovery journey during this difficult season.
Maintaining Self-Care During Christmas Festivities
It is important to maintain your routine for self-care over the festive season, helping you to navigate ups and downs as your go from day to day. Self-care can include a wide range of things that you do throughout daily life in order to stay on track.
- Sleep Routines: Having a sleep routine is vital. It can help reduce your vulnerability to relapse and cravings, whilst maintaining mood, emotions and sobriety.
- Healthy Eating: Having a healthy and well balanced diet can help aid your recovery, giving your body the nutrition it needs to heal. It can also have an impact on your mood, energy levels and well-being.
- Mindful Exercises: Yoga and walking are two forms of exercise that can help you embrace mindfulness and find an inner calm as you prepare for your day.
Mindful Christmas Gifts
In amongst the business of Christmas, gift buying is also a big task to tackle. Finding gifts for your loved ones can be difficult when many adult gifts include temptation for those in recovery.
Some mindful gifts may include:
- Cooking Books
- Books
- Personalised Gifts
- Self-Care Items
- Gift Cards
There is a vast array of gifts that can be given to your loved ones at Christmas that avoid the need to purchase things that may lead to temptation.
Why not consider some of them for yourselves as well?
Seeking Help with New Leaf Recovery
If you, or a loved one, is in need of help and support from New Leaf Recovery, don’t hesitate to get in touch today.
Our team is here to support everyone through their troubles with addiction. Take the first steps in your recovery journey today and find a way to enjoy the festivities this year.