Academic Stress and Substance Use

In the world of academia, where smart ideas happen, there’s a hidden issue—a quiet struggle with substances. Imagine a wise professor having a quiet glass of wine at a conference or a hardworking student finding comfort in a late-night drink to ease stress. These scenes, rarely talked about openly, show a real problem—academic stress mixed…

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Stigma of Addiction

Addiction has been recognised since 1952, when it was added by the American Psychiatric Association into the first edition of their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, more commonly known as the DSM. It was listed within the Sociopathic Personality Disturbance section, and included subtypes of ‘alcoholism’ and ‘drug addiction’. Despite the large strides…

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The Role of Setting Boundaries in Addiction Recovery

Setting boundaries in addiction recovery can be an extremely daunting undertaking, especially when you have to set boundaries with your loved ones. The journey towards addiction recovery is a demanding and often uncomfortable path that requires unwavering commitment, resilience, and a deep understanding of oneself. As individuals embark on this transformative journey, they often discover…

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Environmental Addiction Triggers

How Changing Your Environment Can Help You to Overcome Common Addiction Triggers The path to addiction recovery is deeply personal, requiring immense courage and resilience, especially when facing the influence of environmental addiction triggers. We aim to shed light on the transformative potential of changing your surroundings. Emphasising how an environmental change can empower you…

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Supporting a Loved One in Recovery

Addiction is a complex and challenging journey, not just for the individual facing it. But also, for their family and friends. If you have a loved one in recovery, you understand that providing support during this time can be emotionally draining and perplexing. However, your support is crucial in their path to recovery. These tips…

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10 Ways to Enjoy a Spooky & Sober Halloween

Halloween is a time for ghouls, ghosts, and goblins to come out and play. It’s also a holiday that often involves parties and celebrations that can revolve around alcohol. But for those who are committed to a sober lifestyle or in recovery, navigating this spooky holiday can be challenging. However, fear not! You can still…

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Tadhg Hickey’s Inspiring Journey Through Addiction

Tadhg Hickey is a comedian, an actor, a director, a writer and an alcoholic. In the world of Irish comedy, Tadhg Hickey’s name is well-known for his politically-charged viral videos and stand-up performances that leave audiences in splits. Beyond the laughter and applause, there’s a story of resilience, addiction, and recovery that Tadhg has been…

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Normalisation of Alcohol Consumption

In a world where champagne toasts mark celebrations, beers accompany sporting events, and a glass of wine often ends a day, it’s easy to overlook the omnipresence of alcohol in our lives. It’s become a societal staple, deeply woven into our daily existence and social fabric. But what lies beneath this normalisation of alcohol? Why…

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Leaning on Others: Building a Support System for Addiction Recovery

Building a strong support system is an essential part of addiction recovery. The journey to overcome addiction can be difficult and challenging, and having a supportive network of people can make a significant difference in your ability to stay on track and achieve long-term recovery. Steps for Building a Support System: Identifying Supportive People in…

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Time to Talk Day: It’s Time to Change

Time to Talk Day is an annual event that takes place in the UK, this year on the 2nd of February, to raise awareness about mental health and encourage people to start conversations about mental health and wellbeing. The awareness day and associated event is an opportunity for people to talk openly and honestly about…

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