Shopping Addiction

What is a shopping addiction?

A shopping addiction is also known as a compulsive shopping disorder. It is where an individual has the desire to spend money either at a store, shop or online.

Whilst many people like to shop during holiday periods, birthday and occasionally treat themselves, shopping addicts have the urge to constantly shop and spend until it has a negative impact on their life. Some of these effects include not being able to purchase essential items, taking out several credit cards and therefore leading to financial debt and depression.

Shopping Addiction

What causes a shopping addiction?

The underlying reasons of a shopping addiction will vary from person to person. However, many people become addicted due to the ‘feel good’ chemicals released by the brain which shopping and spending money. It can also be a coping mechanism and a way in which a person deals with there emotions and/ or feelings.

The signs

The signs to look out for as to whether you, or someone you know has a shopping addiction:

  • Overspending: ignoring all budgets put in place and spending additional money to make additional purchases.
  • Purchasing unnecessary items.
  • Finding items in your wardrobe that still have tags on.
  • The feeling that you are unable to stop shopping.

The effects of a shopping addiction

There are many effects that a shopping addiction can have on an individual. Some of which include:

Can cause relationship problems: this is due to many reasons including the emotional strain of an addiction. If family members or friends have noticed the problem, it can cause arguments etc which will affect them in the short-term and long-term.

Financial difficulties: the addiction can lead to prioritising spending money on the wrong things and therefore can lead to debt. Credit cards and loans may be taken out as well in order to continue shopping if the individual does not have sufficient funds to do so.

Treatment for a shopping addiction

Research shows that shopping addicts will admit they have a problem and that they are addicted to spending money however, many of the individuals are unaware how to get help for the addiction.

New Leaf Recovery offers detoxification and rehab for all types of addictions whether substance or behavioural. Our programmes are varied to from individual to individual depending on their circumstances and severity of the condition.

If you would like to seek help for your shopping addiction, contact the team here at New Leaf Recovery on 0300 999 0330.

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Our Complete Recovery Journey - from your initial enquiry, all the way through treatment and beyond into ongoing support, New Leaf Recovery are there to guide and support you.

New Leaf offers a complete journey of treatment - from initial detoxification and rehabilitation to ongoing support, including aftercare, family support, and beyond into long-term recovery.

Getting the right accommodation enables us to provide the right backdrop for our recovery methods.  Any form of rehabilitation needs to happen in a safe, comfortable, secure and friendly environment.


“Rehab at New Leaf was totally different to what I expected – in a good way. It is a very homely and loving environment and I feel physically and emotionally better since my stay”

Emma, 35

The staff and my peers were so welcoming and supportive that I stuck it out and I feel so lucky I was able to have the opportunity to complete my treatment at New Leaf. For once in my life I’m proud of myself”

Kate, 50

Why Choose New Leaf

  • Medical Detox Unit
  • 24 Hour Support
  • Accredited Counsellors Included
  • Professional, Empathetic staff
  • First-hand experience of addiction
  • Holistic Alternative Therapies
  • Peer Mentor Support
  • Resettlement Support
  • Reintegration Support
  • Aftercare Package Options
  • Family Support & Mediation
  • Small, Homely Intimate Environment
  • Everything included - No hidden costs