Can Exercise Help Your Recovery?
It is a proven fact that regular exercise such as aerobics can decrease depression and anxiety that is associated with substance use and further boost an individuals self esteem and confidence.
Why exercise?
An addiction effects every aspect of an individual’s life; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Regular aerobics and any other physical activity that increases your heart rate and the flow of oxygen through the bloodstream can help to overcome an addiction. However, this alone is not enough and needs to be combined with a recovery programme including workshops and different types of therapies.
Exercise can help improve an individuals physical health as well as mental wellbeing as it can promote positive feelings such as boosting an individual’s confidence and distract the mind from depression and anxiety which are feelings often associated with relapsing.

Exercise in recovery
There are various benefits which exercise can offer during the recovery process. Some of which include:
Reduce stress: Exercise can help to reduce stress as it sends endorphins (neurotransmitters) to your brain which releases feelings of pleasure, furthermore, improving your mood and reducing stress.
Improves your mood and sleep routine:A s exercise sends endorphins to your brain, it will help to improve your overall mood. As well as this, as you are tiring your body out during the day, you will find that when you come to sleep, you will be able to sleep a lot easier and may be able to restart a sleep schedule, as the addiction will have had a negative effect on your sleep routine.
Overall health: Addiction has effects on the health of an individual and abusing substances can cause a range of short and long term health risks. Exercise improves the circulation of white blood and T cells in the body. White blood cells are used to fight illnesses and diseases and T cells are used to protect your body from infection; improving your health.
What exercises are the best?
There is no evidence that one type of exercise is ‘better’ than another whilst in recovery. However, cardio-related exercises deliver a range of benefits for physical and mental health. These types of exercises elevate an individuals heart rate and improve the flow of oxygen in your circulation.
Some examples of cardio exercises include:
- Running or jogging
- Swimming
- Cycling
- Boxing
- Dancing