TMS Clinical Trial Success: Magnetic Neural Stimulation a Promising Treatment for Addiction

Addiction is a complex and challenging condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. Traditional treatment methods have had varying success rates, leaving a pressing need for innovative approaches to combat addiction. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has emerged as a potential game-changer in the field, offering hope for those struggling with addiction. In this blog post,…

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First Zombie Drug Death in the UK

A recent case of the Zombie drug and its deadly effects have been found in the UK, stirring worries about the drug being used widely. The tranquilliser Xylazine is used in veterinary practices to relax muscles and reduce pain in large animals, the use of it as a recreational drug has significantly increased and the…

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The Importance of Nutrition in Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a complex disease that affects both the mind and body. While traditional addiction treatments such as therapy and support groups can address the psychological and emotional aspects of addiction, proper nutrition is often overlooked in the recovery process. However, the truth is that good nutrition is critical for recovery from addiction. A balanced…

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The Importance of Stress Awareness Month

Stress is a common trigger for addiction relapse, making it crucial to develop healthy coping mechanisms for managing stress during addiction recovery. That’s why we’re highlighting the importance of stress awareness during the month of April: National Stress Awareness Month.  This Year’s Theme: ACT NOW This year’s theme takes a slightly different approach to previous…

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